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eNerd feat. Ben Neill & Luca Kézdy

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Endre-eNerd is drummer/composer Endre Huszar's technologically ground breaking solo project, which is based on a unique drum system that enables him to build up complex improvised musical textures on the electronic drum pads while playing the acoustic kit. The setup consists of some custom built and customized hardware and software components, which make it possible to control all aspects of the creative process, including the recording of musical building blocks, layering, mixing and processing them.


Béla Bartók was one of the most influential composers of the 20th century, who evolved a completely individual style that fused folk elements with contemporary sounds and classical forms. His compositional methods were in many regards similar to those of the latest electronic music -he took journeys to several countries to make field recordings of local folk music with his Edison phonograph -the then state-of-the-art “audio sampler”- and then incorporated those “samples” into his original compositions.

How could have Bartók worked if he’d had access to today’s technology?

Joining forces with violinist Luca Kézdy and trumpeter Ben Neill (USA), eNerd offers answers to this exciting question by emulating a workflow that starts from a selection of Bartók’s original field recordings, then continues with the creation of original piano pieces in his style based on these recordings and finally converts them into electronic pieces using a set of custom-made performance tools that enables fully interactive communication between real musicians and computers.

The Bartók Update 2.0 project is based on Bartók's least known field recordings, which he made in North-Africa in 1913. The show was premiered at the Contemporary Arts Festival (CAFe Budapest) in October 2016.

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Lineup / Bio


huszar2 neill kezdy gotthard lengyelfi gabor
Endre Huszár
drums, vocoder
Ben Neill
Luca Kézdy
Mike Gotthárd
Miklós Lengyelfi II
bass guitar
Andor Gábor

The Bartók Update 2.0 project features Ben Neill (the mutantrumpet), Mike Gotthárd (guitar), Luca Kézdy  (violin), Miklós Lengyelfi II. (bass guitar) and Andor "UFO" Gábor (percussions). and Endre Huszár (drums, electronics, vocoder)


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Endre Huszár - drums, electronics, vocoder

'Versatility' is probably the word that would describe best Endre Huszár's (a.k.a Endre-eNerd) career: beside being a prolific musician/composer, playing with many leading Hungarian acts in a wide range of genres from pop, alternative rock to jazz and world music, he formed his own jazz fusion project, The 9:30 Collective in 1995. Meanwhile, he also contributed to other projects as a sound engineer and arranger, composed music for commercials, theater and various other applications. Thousands of radio and TV commercials were produced in his studio in the last two decades.

His interest in using electronics in a drumkit stretches back for over two decades and finally resulted in the complex software and hardware setup used in the Endre-eNerd³ project.


 ben neill

Ben Neill - the mutantrumpet

Ben Neill is a composer, performer, producer and inventor of the mutantrumpet, a hybrid electro-acoustic instrument. He has been called “a creative composer and genius performer” (Time Out NY),”the mad scientist of dancefloor jazz” (CMJ), and “a musical powerhouse, a serious and individual talent” (Time Out London). Neill’s music blends influences from electronica, jazz and contemporary classical music, blurring the lines between DJ culture and acoustic instrument performance. The Demo, Neill’s electronic opera created in collaboration with composer/performer Mikel Rouse, was premiered at Stanford University’s Bing Concert Hall in April 2015. The premiere received international press attention from major news outlets including the New York Times, Wired, and the Daily Mail in London. Neill has recorded ten CDs of his music on the Universal/Verve, Thirsty Ear, Astralwerks, Six Degrees, Ramseur, New Tone, Ear-Rational and Audiokult Records labels. Neill has performed extensively in a wide variety of international settings including Lincoln Center, Cite de la Musique Paris, Moogfest, Spoleto Festival, Umbria Jazz, Bang On A Can Festival, ICA London, Istanbul Jazz Festival, Vienna Jazz Festival, and the Edinburgh Festival, to name a few. He has worked closely with many musical innovators including John Cage, LaMonte Young, John Cale, Pauline Oliveros, Mikel Rouse, Rhys Chatham, DJ Spooky, David Berhman, Mimi Goese, Page Hamilton, Nicolas Collins, and David Rothenberg. Neill began developing the mutantrumpet in the early 1980s. Initially an acoustic instrument (a combination of 3 trumpets and a trombone combined into one), he integrated the instrument with electronics when collaborating with the synthesizer inventor Robert Moog. In 1992, while in residency at the STEIM (Studio for Electro-Instrumental Music) research and development lab for new instruments in Amsterdam, Neill made the mutantrumpet fully computer interactive.

ben neill


Luca Kézdy - violin

Luca was born in Győr, northwest Hungary, where she started her classical violin studies at the age of six. Later she studied aesthetics and philpsophy at the ELTE University’s liberal arts department. She placed in the finals in the first national Jazz Violin Competition held by the Hungarian Radio in 2006, where she won the Audience Prize. She has been playing with her band Santa Diver (violin-bass-drums) since 2006, and played at the most respected festivals and jazz clubs in Hungary, at many venues around Europe, and at the Chelsea Music Festival in New York. She is in more genres like jazz, free improvisation, pop and fusion. She works with several bands and musicians, and also gives solo and duo concerts as well, in 2016 she had a duo performance with Chris Potter in New York. She is best known for her unique and inventions, and anything but traditional playing style. Luca is an extraordinary talent with a very special musical approach and individual style. One of the most frequented employed violin players in Hungary. As a classical music trained artist she combines her technical facilities with some other influences from jazz, European folk, blues, odd-metered Balkanian music and combines perfectly the sound of the acoustic violin with some added modern music effects from a multi-effect pedal.

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ben neill


Mike Gotthárd - guitar

Mike is an outstanding personality from the young generation of Hungarian guitarists. Born to a musical family, he met his instrument is his early years. In the beginning, he began to learn the basics of blues and rock as an autodidact, later he continued his studies with his teachers, Zoltan Zsoldos and Tamas Mohai. He graduated from the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music Jazz Guitar Faculty in 2015.

His musical style consists a blend of blues emotionalism, jazz improvization, the energy of rock and funk rhythms. He was chosen Discovery of the Year by HANOSZ (Hungarian National Association of Instrumentalists).

His first solo album “Intellectual Brutality” was released in 2016, with the contribution of renowned musicians like Gary Willis, Scott Kinsey, Gergo Borlai, Anton Davidyants, Federico Malaman, Tamas Barabas and Daniel Szebenyi.


miklos lengyelfi


Miklós Lengyelfi II. - bass guitar

Plays bass and double bass in the iconic Hungarian new wave rock band, KFT since 1981. Apart from their home country, KFT have toured the United States, the UK, Cuba and all over Europe. Beside playing with KFT, he has been a vital part of many other established artist's touring bands. He is a founding member of György Kurtág Jr.'s award-winning classic contemporary electronic band Sc.Art. Interested and experienced in all aspects of music, he was editor in chief of Zenész (The Musician) Magazine between 1996 and 2010.




Andor "UFO" Gábor - percussion

A versatile musician is a breed of musical chameleon. The one who sneaks in through the exit... These are the most common labels, characterizing his work. Arriving from modern electronic dance pieces - one could say the opposite direction - he found himself in the circles of admired musical professionals. Ascending beyond all genres and styles of art, but still musical, his characteristic work could be found in well known pieces, from pop- to rockabilly-, chamber- to electronic music and even in pieces of fusion jazz.

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       The youtube playlist on the left shows some excerpts which demonstrate what the Bartók update 2.0 project is about.



For more Endre-eNerd3 videos, please visit the Endre-eNerd3 youtube channel at:

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In the Media


"... Huszar works like a man possessed throughout this performance, triggering samples, keeping the steady throb of the groove(s) in play, and creating smooth transitions between various sections of "The Dark Side" and "The Bright Side"—the two lengthy suites that fill out this ninety-minute program. He's always expertly steering the show, setting things in motion with various electronics, loops, samples, and real-time drumming escapades." (Dan Bilawsky, All About Jazz)

"... it IS indeed drumming, very good drumming in our opinion." (Dan Shinder, Drum Talk TV)

"Only a few drummers take a creative approach to electronic percussion and push their possibilities to the limit. One of them is Endre Huszár, a Hungarian drummer who's been working on this subject intensively for almost 30 years. On his recently released 3D Blu-Ray he stretches the limits of what's technically possible and clearly shows that e-drums are much more than just a replacement for acoustic drum kits." (Wolfgang Stölzle, Sticks Magazine)

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